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Friday, September 20, 2013

Visual Studio 2010 - Remote debugging of processes on x64/x86 Windows XP running on VirtualBox

There is a possibility to remotely debug processes on x64/x86 Windows XP running on VirtualBox.

In order to debug remotely one needs to setup some security settings first:
  1. Control Panel
  2. Administrative Tools
  3. Local Security Settings
  4. Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts
  5. and we set this to:
    Classic - local users authenticate as themselves

We have to download the Visual Studio Remote Debugger: Visual Studio Remote Debugger x64 x64.7z

and set its options:
  • No Authentication (native-only)
  • Allow any user to debug

In Visual Studio we select: Debug -> Attach to process

And choose transport: Remote.

Next we enter the computer name and click Refresh.

Sadly on Visual Studio 2012 it is NOT possible to debug remotely on Windows XP:

Remote Debugging The Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2012 do not support remote debugging on an XP client. When debugging on Windows XP is required, it is recommended to use the debuggers of an older version of Visual Studio, such as Visual Studio 2010, for local or remote debugging. This is in line with the Windows Vista experience for Visual Studio 2012 RTM, which is a runtime target but not a remote debugging target.


To enable the debugger to LOAD SYMBOLS for debugging - change NO AUTHENTICATION to WINDOWS AUTHENTICATION.

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